Jewel Dragon Wiki

Use for Gems

If you die in a quest, you can spend 1 Gem to revive with full HP.
Recover Stamina
For 1 Gem, you can restore your stamina to full.
Expand Monster Boxes
You can spend 1 Gem for 5 additional Monster Boxes, which lets you store 5 more monsters. This is essential as you progress in the game.
Expand Friends
Once you've reached 50 friend slots from ranking up, you will unlock the option to spend 1 Gem for 5 additional Friends List slots.
Golden Summon
You can spend 5 Gems for a chance to receive various rare monsters.
11 Golden Summon

You can spend 50 Gems for 11 Golden Summon, the rate to get rare cards surges. This is a video of "11 Golden Summon":

How to Get Gems

  • Clearing a quest for the first time.
  • Clearing all levels of any quest (normal or limited-time) will give you a Gem.
  • A limited-time quest's "Clear" status does not reset after it closes and re-opens, so you can only ever get one gem from it.
  • The only exception is if there were new levels added to the event quest after you cleared it, because this is technically a different quest in the game data. Beating the new levels will give you a second Gem.
  • Cumulative log-in bonus. For more details, see Log-in Bonus.
  • Official events.
  • Compensation for bugs.
  • And of course, spending $$$...

Buying Gems

Gems price list (Rates current as of March 30, 2014)

Product Price Cost per Gems
1 Gem $0.99 $0.99
6 Gems $4.99 $0.83
12 Gems $9.99 $0.83
30 Gems $22.99 $0.77
60 Gems $43.99 $0.73
85 Gems $59.99 $0.71