Many cards can be evolved into more powerful versions. Cards that are greyed out in the Evolution screen cannot be evolved.
Evolution Cards[]
- Mon: "Monday: Holy Flower - Shining Crystal"
- Tues-1: "Tuesday: Mask - Flame Mask"
- Tues-2: "Tuesday: Mask - Water Mask"
- Tues-3: "Tuesday: Mask - Thunder Mask"
- Tues-4: "Tuesday: Mask - Ragnarok" (see Note 3)
- Tues-5: "Tuesday: Mask - Endless Dark" (see Note 4)
- Weds-1: "Wednesday: Spirit - Spirit Tribe"
- Weds-2: "Wednesday: Spirit - Spirit Tribe II"
- Thurs-1: "Thursday: General - Giant Tribe"
- Thurs-2: "Thursday: General - Giant Tribe II"
- Fri: "Friday: Spirit - Spirit Palace"
- TC1-1: "Tech City: Burning City - Red Dragon"
- TC1-2: "Tech City: Burning City - Red Toronto"
- TC1-3: "Tech City: Burning City - The Priestess"
- TC1-4: "Tech City: Burning City - Red Lotus"
- TC1-5: "Tech City: Burning City - Oriental Legend"
- TC2-1: "Tech City: Blue Maze - Blue Dragon"
- TC2-2: "Tech City: Blue Maze - Blue Toronto"
- TC2-3: "Tech City: Blue Maze - Freezing Witch"
- TC2-4: "Tech City: Blue Maze - Inverted Image"
- TC2-5: "Tech City: Blue Maze - Sea Puzzle"
- TC3-1: "Tech City: Corridor of Thunder - Yellow Dragon"
- TC3-2: "Tech City: Corridor of Thunder - Yellow Toronto"
- TC3-3: "Tech City: Corridor of Thunder - The Succubus"
- TC3-4: "Tech City: Corridor of Thunder - The Lightning"
- TC3-5: "Tech City: Corridor of Thunder - Beyond the Land"
- TC4-1: "Tech City: Blessed Thunder Gorgon - Triumphing Will"
- TC4-2: "Tech City: Blessed Thunder Gorgon - Adhikarana Samantha"
- TC4-3: "Tech City: Blessed Thunder Gorgon - Cave in Secluded Valley"
- TC4-4: "Tech City: Blessed Thunder Gorgon - Desperate Cliff"
- TC4-5: "Tech City: Blessed Thunder Gorgon - Church Relic in Thunder"
- TC5-1: "Tech City: Forgiven Ice Spectre - Frosty Light in Surge"
- TC5-2: "Tech City: Forgiven Ice Spectre - Refuge on Lake Center"
- TC5-3: "Tech City: Forgiven Ice Spectre - Lost Stalactite Cave"
- TC5-4: "Tech City: Forgiven Ice Spectre - Grave of Red Spider Lily"
- TC5-5: "Tech City: Forgiven Ice Spectre - Requiem for the Deceased"
- TC6-1: "Tech City: Favored Flame Maiden - Winged Flame of Revenge"
- TC6-2: "Tech City: Favored Flame Maiden - Dark Carnival of Pagan"
- TC6-3: "Tech City: Favored Flame Maiden - Maniac Wolf"
- TC6-4: "Tech City: Favored Flame Maiden - Rose Paradise"
- TC6-5: "Tech City: Favored Flame Maiden - Dragon Pupil"
- TC7-1: "Tech City: Loved Pure Angel - Pious Disciple"
- TC7-2: "Tech City: Loved Pure Angel - Power of Judgement"
- TC7-3: "Tech City: Loved Pure Angel - Ancient Deity"
- TC7-4: "Tech City: Loved Pure Angel - Eternal Moon City"
- TC7-5: "Tech City: Loved Pure Angel - Palace on Road to Heaven"
- TC8-1: "Tech City: Resented Frolic Elf - Charm of Lust"
- TC8-2: "Tech City: Resented Frolic Elf - Elegant Dark Side"
- TC8-3: "Tech City: Resented Frolic Elf - Lonesome Graveyard"
- TC8-4: "Tech City: Resented Frolic Elf - Remote Forest"
- TC8-5: "Tech City: Resented Frolic Elf - Mysterious Divine Dominion"
- DS-TS(I): "Time Limit Quest: Dark Shadow - The Sacrifice I"
- DS-TS(II): "Time Limit Quest: Dark Shadow - The Sacrifice II"
- DS-TS(III): "Time Limit Quest: Dark Shadow - The Sacrifice III"
- IF-TB(I): "Time Limit Quest: Indomitable Fighter - The Thunder Bear I
- IF-TB(II): "Time Limit Quest: Indomitable Fighter - The Thunder Bear II
- IF-TB(III): "Time Limit Quest: Indomitable Fighter - The Thunder Bear III
- JL-LW(I): "Time Limit Quest: Jungle Light - The Light Warrior I
- JL-LW(II): "Time Limit Quest: Jungle Light - The Light Warrior II
- JL-LW(III): "Time Limit Quest: Jungle Light - The Light Warrior III
- PS-RWM(I): "Time Limit Quest: Power of the Storm - Running White Monster I
- PS-RWM(II): "Time Limit Quest: Power of the Storm - Running White Monster II
- PS-RWM(III): "Time Limit Quest: Power of the Storm - Running White Monster III
Note 1: Cards up to rank 3 can be obtained from the summon page using the "Pts Summon" or "Free Summon". These can include enhancer cards such as Chaos, Kawasa and Mask cards of each element.
Note 2: Although there are evolution cards in the weekend "Heritage of Satan" quests, they cannot be obtained. Only the Dark Coin cards can be obtained on those quests.
Note 3: The Tuesday Quest Ragnarok, (Tues-4), will give you either a Holy Bolla or Dark Bolla in stage 4, and either a Fire Bolla, Water Bolla, or Thunder Bolla in stage 5. Which you get is determined at random each time you play the quest.
Note 4: The Tuesday Quest Endless Dark, (Tues-5), will give you either a Holy Bolla or Dark Bolla in stage 4. Which you get is determined at random each time you play the quest